Raleigh Sports – 3 speed – dump find

January 2, 2015


My favorite place to find vintage bikes is the Wellesley “RDF” aka Dump.  During a recent trip to deposit recycling, I noticed a car pulling into the “drop and take” area.  This 1970’s men’s Raleigh 3 speed was on the back rack.  I asked if I could take it off his hands, and here it is!  Everything is original, including the cracked and rotted tires.

1996 Marinoni Dump Find

November 21, 2014
1996 Marinoni Frame

1996 Marinoni Frame

IMG_2591I know! How could someone leave a frame like this at the town dump? Came with Campy headset and seat stem. Original paint in beautiful condition. Converted to a single frame and updated components. Italian style bars from Velo Orange.

It’s a 1983 Peugeot P6

September 16, 2009

After doing some web searching on the serial number of my latest restoration, I discovered that it is a 1983 Peugeot P6.  Here’s the original photo and specs from the 1983 Peugeot Catalogue.

Nothing special about this bike.  28lb steel frame and relatively low end components.  A low end of the 1983 line.  I’ve removed all the original components and degreased and washed the frame today with Simply Green degreaser and car wash.  Frame looks good.  Some minor dings and scratches, but sound.  Next trick will be to get a rough match to touch up the original paint.  Off to the local automotive store to see what I can find for paint.  The Testors red that I have does not match well.

My thinking is to convert this bike to more of a hybrid style to use for local errands and around town riding.  The plan is to use existing stock parts as much as possible and a few used replacements, IE the cranks on this bike are really crappy.  So, this will be a low budget makeover. Stay tuned.

1980’s Peugeot Project

August 27, 2009

My latest restoration project is my wife’s red 1980’s Peugeot 10-speed.  Needs basic cleaning and a tune-up.  Just finished the rear and front derailuers and the front brake.  More to come.  The only thing that is not stock on this bike is the upright handlebars installed in the 80’s.  Tires are shot, of course.  Considering making this a commuter.  More to come as this progresses.

Follow-up, Bike Fit

August 18, 2009

Made my scheduled appointment at WheelWorks in Belmont yesterday afternoon.  Had a great session with Ed Sasler.  Great guy.  Very knowledgable.

Turns out, there were adjustments needed to my bike fit.  I had added an after market seat to the bike and when I installed it, it was not in the correct position for me.  Also, there this one leg longer than the other thing going on with me.  Ed said that was very typical for people that show up with lower back pain, but only on one side.  Some adjustments to my cleats and some added shims should do the trick. 

Tried the new fit out for a ride on the Charles River Bike path last night.  So far, so good.  Did experience some pain during the ride, but I suspect that is residual. 

The Charles River Bike Path is a scenic and beautiful bike ride.  But, you really have to stay on your toes for pedestrians doing stupid things.  The Boston side of thr river has a great path that is suitable for road bikes.  The Cambridge side really sucks.  The ride is rough and the surface is dangerous for a road bike.  You’d think that Bike Friendly Cambride would do a better job on their side of the path.  I would advise avoiding that side with anything other than a mountain bike.


Bike fit or Back fit?

August 17, 2009

On my way today to see the good folks at Belmont WheelWorks where I bought my new Specialized Rubaix Road Bike.

My back has been really unhappy with my riding.  Not sure if it’s the bike fit, my riding form, too much too soon, poor core/back strength.  I do core work/yoga every morning, so I’m thinking it’s not core firness.  Don’t think it’s too much too soon because I did take two plus weeks off and then gradually back on the road.

My guess is that somethings up with the fit and perhaps my form.  We’ll see.

Keep the rubber side down-


Boston Tries to Shed Longtime Reputation as Cyclists’ Minefield

August 13, 2009

The city is creating bike lanes, installing bike racks, restoring bike paths and urging residents to switch from horsepower to pedal power.

August 09, 2009

Hello world!

August 2, 2009

When I was laid off from a high tech position in February 2009, I rediscovered my love for riding and tinkering with bikes.  I went out and purchased a wonderful new Specialized Rubaix Road Bike and then began a project of restoring and converting my 1971 Peugeot UE-8(touring version of the UO-8) 10 speed, that I purchased at Landry Cycles in Natick when I was 15 years young.  I just finished my second restoration, a 1983 Raleigh Gran Prix that I found at the Wellesley dump.  A great commuter bike for a total restoration price of about $30 in parts and a lot of elbow grease.  Through this blog, I hope to connect with folks that love to tinker and restore bikes.

